New Hampshire mandates dog shelters

A New Hamphire law went into effect Jan. 1, 2009 that requires, “dog shelters (to be) structurally sound, provide sufficient air circulation and be large enough to keep the dog clean and dry in inclement weather.”

It seems that the law is in response to dogs being housed in trash cans, cardboard boxes and plastic crates in NH.  Still, is it possible to legislate everything?  If dog obesity becomes a huge problem, should the state set out the daily requirements for types and amounts of dog food?  Or what about mandating that parents clothe their children in coats of specific thickness?  If a law is unenforceable, is it worth having on the books?  Love to hear what people think about these kinds of laws.

Dog shelter law

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2 Responses to “New Hampshire mandates dog shelters”

  1. NH Says:

    If you voted for Democrats, this is all your fault. 🙂

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