Lawsuit: Bank of America gift to customer – exploding dye pack

According to Wikipedia, a dye pack is an incendiary device that explodes with red dye staining the money and the robber’s hands.  This I did not know. 

According to the plaintiff in this case, she withdrew money from her Bank of America branch and found that she had been the recipient of a dye pack that exploded, “showering and striking the Plaintiff with nauseas and poisonous gas, flames and debris.”  I hope the problems with this sentence isn’t indicative of the plaintiffs’ claims.

Complaint courtesy Courthousenews

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One Response to “Lawsuit: Bank of America gift to customer – exploding dye pack”

  1. Justice Forall Says:

    Above the Law?
    Posted on December 18, 2008 by o8justiceforall
    Why aren’t banks secure?
    The whole idea behind keeping your money in a bank vs. in your mattress is that a bank is secure. The banks are FDIC insured for accounts up to $100,000.00 which is higher now due to the economy. The issue these days is that we are getting our identity stolen right at the bank. Here is an example below of one who had over 200 accounts opened up under his name and a huge amount of cash…yes I said cash taken out of his account without having to verify a valid ID.

    What is the answer? Do we keep our money in the mattress? Do we make the courts do something? Tell me your thoughts…..

    They go to the lengths of exploding dye packs for a small amount of cash ….but yet go in without a vaild ID and you can just withdraw from someone’s account …..Bank of America should be made to change its name to just the steal you blind bank….or defraud you till you are broke bank

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