Distilled Spirits Council: exclusive club

Distilled Spirits Council of America


Overview: The Distilled Spirits Council is the national trade association representing America’s leading distillers and nearly 80% of all distilled spirits brands sold in this country.  This is not a typical trade association that welcomes new members and hold typical trade conferences.  Yet its website provides some good industry information.

Associate members? No. That’s not its purpose.  “C”

Public membership directory?  Yes, but its just a list of member companies and their websites.  There is no contact people listed. “C”

National conference? No, again it doesn’t appear to be that kind of trade association. “C”

Subchapters?  No “C”

Industry reports or news?  They have a news section but most of it is consumer or public advocacy related.  However, they do have several short reports with statistics and a breakdown of the industry.  They also have a slide show that provides statistics about how well the industry performed in 2007.  “B”

Glossary? No “D”

Provides a sense of the industry? Yes and no.  Yes, in that the Council shows its extreme sensitivity to a perception that its not socially responsible and much of the website is devoted to that issue.  That is useful in pitching to the industry and making sure that you use the appropriate language.  They also have extensive public advocacy information.  On the downside, the site seems more focused on consumers and educating them than providing information to members. (There is a separate member login) “C+”

Overall:  For a website focused more on reaching out to consumers to educate them about their industry than member issues, it has a few, good resources.  Particularly the slide show and the industry sheets that provide strong information about the industry as whole.  It is also useful to know that the members of this organization are the top players in the distilled alcohol industry and to have a list of the member websites.  “B-“

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