Class action against Blockbuster moves ahead

From MediaPost:

“U.S. District Court Judge Barbara Lynn in Dallas ruled that the case could proceed in court even though Blockbuster’s contract with users calls for any disputes to be heard by an arbitrator rather than in court, and also says that users waive their right to file a class action lawsuit.

Lynn determined that Blockbuster’s contract with users was “illusory” because the agreement said that movie rental store could change the terms and conditions at any time…

In the year-old lawsuit, Dallas County resident Cathryn Elaine Harris alleged that Blockbuster violated the federal Videotape Privacy Protection Act by sharing information about her movie rentals and sales with Facebook without first obtaining her written consent.

Harris is asking for at least $2,500 for each violation of the statute, a law passed in 1988 after a newspaper obtained the video rental records of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork.

When Facebook launched Beacon in November of 2007, the program operated by default. Unless members opted out, information about which Blockbuster movies they rented was sent to other Facebook users. “

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One Response to “Class action against Blockbuster moves ahead”

  1. rtraci Says:

    the new generation seems to forget the old term about how much damage 1 unhappy customer can do. Some better company’s enforce it as just giving it lip service. Employees along with their family members and friends make up most of the positive for their company’s image. So not only is the rental business obviously challenged, company’s that allow their lp and senior staff walk around with their hatchets, terminating associates at any cost, legal or not……..word gets out……takes a while to overcome this…….what a waste of talent

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