Susan Liebel Cartier: unbundle legal services?

Recently, I responded to a posting at “Big Debt Small Law” that argued Ms. Cartier’s program was a ripoff.  I have never met Ms. Cartier nor have I purchased her program but I have followed her blog and I find she frequently has interesting and helpful posts about solo practice. 

Sidenote: this goes to the issue of credibility: I trust that she has good motives based on what she shares on her blog for free.  Sure, its promotional but it’s also has value so her blog is a strong counterweight to negative views about her posted elsewhere.

Anyway, her post today on “unbundled” legal service was very helpful as it proposes a way that solo practitioners can make their services and pricing attractive and also empower clients to participate in the legal process.  I found a couple other links that are helpful.  The first, is focused on helping the attorney comply with rules and ethical issues involved in this kind of representation.  The second, is helpful to consumers looking for unbundled services as an option to self-representation.

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