Email to Bank of America CEO

Subject: Please keep the window factory running

Dear Mr. Lewis,

We all know that Bank of America got billions of taxpayer funds
expressly for the purpose of lending it to companies that need the
money to keep our economy running.  Therefore it is perplexing that
your company would choose to cut-off a company like Republic Window
and Door when they desperately needed the money to stay afloat during hard-times employed.

Please reconsider this course of action.  If your biggest concern is
your shareholder, consider that this heartless act which certainly
violated the spirit if not the letter of the bailout plan, will not
play well in the coming days and could cause your company to lose
whatever goodwill it has.  The money you save by cutting off Republic
Window is going to be lost in how it effects your stock price.


Randy Wilson

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10 Responses to “Email to Bank of America CEO”

  1. nation of gandhis Says:

    National Strike? Tell them They Don’t OWN US

    The Workers Are Cut Off By Bank America

    The employer (Republic Windows And Doors states that Bank America told them they cannot pay the workers their separation and vacation pay when Bank America received billions from the government of the PEOPLE of the United States.

    See 60 Minutes Footage/transcript w/head of Bank of America, Ken Lewis:

    “The total was $125 billion of taxpayers’ money. Bank of America, Lewis says, didn’t need the money _ but got $25 billion anyway.”

    So why are they holding back a few thousand for the employees who are about to lose their livelihood? And will the company owners walk away with the untold liquidation numbers? And Bank America stalls the line of credit when they have these funds from OUR government.

    “Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.” Lincoln’s First Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861.

    The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject “Should There Be a Workers Strike Countrywide For The Chicago Republic Window And Door Group?” At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

  2. nation of gandhis Says:

    randy great idea by the way. to emiaal the CEO. I feel like I am going overboard with the petition but hey the squeaky wheel gets the grease… or else it just falls off.. and we ain’t gonna let that happen

    • Randy Wilson Says:

      thanks! I think your petition is great too. I think the more publicity this gets the better. It maybe a turning point not just for labor but all of us who have felt powerless before the heartless, greedy financial behemoth that we’ve allowed to take over our lives.

  3. nation of gandhis Says:

    wage peace @ wars pace, be armed with the truth

  4. Kate Ryan Says:

    Randy – I linked your e-mail to my latest post. Hopefully, people will use it to inundate BofA! Thanks. Come visit me at my kitchen table any time!

  5. Workers of the World, Unite! « Kate’s Kitchen Table Says:

    […] Socialist Alternative for more information and ideas on how you can help and send an e-mail to the Bank of America CEO like Randy Wilson did.  Use his format and send yours […]

  6. mike Says:

    thanks for this — was looking for the address.

    • Randy Wilson Says:

      You are most welcome. I’m hopeful that BofA will back down on this one…let’s all keep our fingers crossed.

  7. nation of gandhis Says:

    how did protest go today?

  8. atila vass Says:

    I entered a contract to purchase a house and deposited over 130k. My loan
    salesman, a CWIDE employee Michael Magness, took the title in his name and took an additional
    50k out in cash. He spent it on ‘miscellaneous costs and expenses’ according
    to his testimony at deposition.

    CWIDE denies any liability despite records proving his employment, and 3
    additional signatures by other employees that funded his loan(s) despite not
    having ANY documentation showing that he was making ANY purchase!

    BofA has since bought CWIDE and has spent tons of money to fight this. All I
    wanted from them was the loan in MY name as it should have been.

    I have since spent over 100k in legal fees and my lawyer has quit after
    finding out that I was out of money.

    I am now trying to prepare to represent myself next week in court. Trial is
    December 21 in Los Angeles CASE#BC379861

    I also just saw on-line that a Notice of Default has been filed 3 days ago.

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