Prolific arbitrator found guilty of judicial misconduct

“One of National Arbitration Forum’s (NAF) most prolific arbitrators, The Honorable Carolyn Marks Johnson, has been sued in Houston for alleged judicial misconduct….

So what is she alleged to have done to find herself on the receiving end of a lawsuit? While serving as a judge in a Driving While Intoxicated case, she undertook what the defendant alleges was a “bizarre and illegal course of conduct”.

Just an upset defendant? It doesn’t appear that way. The defendant alleges that, while the jury was deliberating, Johnson opined about the need to punish the defendant and the need for the prosecutor and defendant to work out an agreement about the punishment that would be imposed on the defendant as soon as the jury reached a verdict. Johnson then allegedly ordered the defendant to take a drug test, and Johnson advised that, if found positive for illegal drugs, she would tell the jury as it was deliberating.”


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