Trade Association Thursday: paint industry

National Paint & Coating Association
Overview:NPCA is a voluntary, nonprofit trade association — established more than a century ago — and the preeminent organization in the United States representing paint and coatings manufacturers, raw materials suppliers and distributors. NPCA’s primary role is to serve as ally and advocate on legislative, regulatory and judicial issues at the federal, state and local levels.

Associate memberships? Yes, the association has a wide range of available memberships  and they are upfront about costs which range from $1,900 to $3,700.  “A”

Make membership directory public?  Yes and it includes a search by industry sector.  It provides basic address information about companies, no contacts but does include information about parent company and a link to the companies website.  “B+”

Active National Conference?Yes and there is an online schedule but its weak on specific topics and speakers.  Doesn’t appear to be.  “D”

Industry reports, information, news?  Yes, extremely rich website with detailed information on issues as well as several online publications available to non-members.  Includes a section on industry sectors, statistics and historical context.  “A”

Glossary  Yes, provides good definitions of industry terminology. “A-“

Good look into the industry?Excellent source of information about the paint and coating industry.  One of the first places I’d visit. “A”

Overall: One of the best trade associations in terms of the quality and quantity of information available to nonmembers.  The website is also well laid-out and easy to use. “A”

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