PhRMA: Drug Industry Association

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America

Overview: The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) represents the country’s leading pharmaceutical research and biotechnology companies, which are devoted to inventing medicines that allow patients to live longer, healthier, and more productive lives.

Associate membership: Allowed but not easy to join.

Public membership directory: Yes but its just a list of pharmaceutical companies with a mailing address and a link to their websites.  However, it is useful as a guide to the top U.S. research-based (versus generic) drug companies.  “B”

National Conference: Not clear from the website but its hard to believe they don’t.  They may keep it exclusive.  “D”

Chapters: Doesn’t appear that they have regional chapters.  Since this includes the top of the industry, it may not be necessary to offer regional chapters.

Glossary? Doesn’t appear that they do.

Industry related content and feel:  Excellent.  They provide lots of colorful reports, newsletters and the like offered to the public.  The only downside is that because they aren’t looking for members, the material and offerings feels calculated for public effect.  “B+”

Overall: This website is easy to use, informative and a bit cold.  Because its primarily an organizations of top corporations, it doesn’t have much of a human feel.  “B”

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