What I can do for you

RandyWilsonRandy Wilson was “online” before it was cool, researching legal and business issues for law firms and corporations.  He graduated from UC Berkeley and went to Santa Clara Unversity Law School where he supplemented his research skills with rigorous legal analysis and was admitted to the California Bar in 1994.  Since that time he has worked as law firm library consultant, Internet content expert and finally most recently as a business development manager at a mid-size law firm.


What unique value can Randy bring to your business?  Solving business challenges through extensive and varied industry experience, strong research and analysis as well as a passion and committment to your business success.




DSD Law Site Solutions


5 Responses to “What I can do for you”

  1. Dmitri Ivanov Says:

    “designing strategies and programs based on his research findings”

    Can you help to monetize similar researches? Please see the link for more info.

  2. Francis Chamberlain Says:

    Love catching the Tea Leaves patterns. Intriguing variety of articles.

  3. Randy Wilson Says:

    Thanks for checking it out!

  4. Kim Foster Says:

    Really like Tea Leaves! But can’t find a link to email Randy Wilson, is there one on here? Need to ask some info about a previous article.

  5. Mr. G. Says:

    Would be interested in your opinion/review about the Bellevue School District website. bsd405.org


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